Solar energy Solar Power For Your Home Solar energy

Wind energy : Hydro - electric power:

Electricity Prices Are Rising!

You can't have missed the fact that electricity prices have been rocketing recently, and the shocking news is that THEY ARE GOING TO GET MUCH WORSE. Increases in oil, gas and coal prices have forced electricity prices steadily upwards, In fact, some power companies are predicting that they may rise by as much as another 40% in the next 2 years!! so are you just going to accept them and hope that your income keeps pace, or are you ready to take matters into your own hands...

Everything seems to be on the rise, fuel and electric is suffering the most and due to these price increases this leads to a knock on effect on all goods. Many people are considering alternative energy to lower electric bills but what options are they?
contrary to many beliefs alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power can be acquired easier than you may think. It need not cost thousands like many believe. It is also easy to make energy producing devices that are effective at home.

As our planet descends rapidly into an impending energy crisis, we need to end our dependency on fossil fuels and non-renewable energy sources as soon as possible. As their name suggests, non-renewable energy sources cannot be replaced, and once used, are gone forever. Renewable energy sources, by comparison never run out. The three main sources of renewable energy solutions are solar, hydro and wind energy. But, what are these and how can we benefit from them?

Solar energy : The energy from the sun is the most abundant energy source available on Earth. Not only is it free, in most parts of the world it is also extremely plentiful. Wherever possible we should make use of this fantastic free energy source. There are many solar power solutions available today that you can easily employ at home. Not only will this help you cut down on energy bills but you will also be contributing to a greener, cleaner world.. Solar power solutions comprise of solar cookers, solar heating systems, solar lighting systems, solar dryers etc.

In addition to being very cost effective and environmentally friendly, solar energy systems have many other advantages. They are low maintenance thus saving time and effort. You can also gain a very good return on your investment in a short time frame. This means that, after a short time, the systems will have paid for themselves, and will continue to provide completely free energy for a long time thereafter.

Wind energy : Windmills have been used for thousands of years for a variety of uses. They helped tow boats and pump water as well as grind grain to make flour. Eventually in more modern times, they became a source for generating electricity.

Windmills, both large and small have proven to be extremely effective at producing large amounts of cheap electricity. When used on a smaller home-based scale, they can actually, very often, completely replace conventional power sources. An excellent renewable source of energy, the wind energy will go a long way in promising a good future to generations to come.

Hydro - electric power: Hydro-electric or water energy power is an extremely efficient renewable energy source. Although generally produced on an industrial scale, small hydro power generators are now available to enable you to harness this renewable source. It has been estimated that 90 percent of the electrical energy produced by renewable resources is produced solely by hydro power. With large scale hydro schemes dams are built to help generate electricity by creating a head of water that, when released , unleashes a huge amount of energy that can be turned into electricity by large turbines.

There have been some concerns about using this hydro-power because large schemes can destroy large areas of natural habitat as they are turned over to lakes.